Our land is beautiful, the life it gives us good. How could it be otherwise? The land is the Goddess. But the Goddess serves the Balance, and as goodness grows in power, so must evil have its day. Wherefore all who live in the Moonshaes have felt the bite of evil as it rises again and again to threaten us.
— Andabbar Meihklann, Bard of the Snows
What can vanquish it, for a time? The forces of good. And what are they? They have a thousand faces and a thousand names. We call them — heroes.
Ffolk Lore, Year of the Hunting Hawk
One of the three servers that make up the ALFA: Sea of Swords persistent world, ALFA 050: The Moonshae Isles brings the classic Forgotten Realms Dungeons and Dragons setting to life in Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition. The server provides a player-focused world where dungeon masters run regular events and static content provides adventure for you and your party at any time.
Want to know more? Check out our essential guide to the Moonshae Isles setting.
The Moonshae Isles are a vast archipelago of islands in the Sea of Swords, where humans have learned to claw life from the rugged lands where their ancestors settled. The population here is predominantly human, often living rural settlements though some great cities and bustling trading ports do exist – but other races have also created bastions of civilisation out in the wilds, including the great dwarven mountain city of High Home, and of course the rumoured secret valley of the secretive Moonshae elven folk known as the Llewyrr.
The inhabitants of the Moonshaes are close to the land, and many humans there worship a deity known as the Earthmother. There is regular trade and contact with the mainland, though not at a high volume, so while outsiders and other races are seen on occasion, locals generally treat them with suspicion. Magic is extremely uncommon here, and practitioners of the Art who might visit the isles would be wise to avoid advertising their practice.
New adventurers will arrive at the port of Corwell City, in the Kingdom of Corwell, which serves as the hub for player activity. Adventurers traditionally gather in the Red Stag, to meet and to make conversation with the innkeeper there. Druids inhabit a sacred grove northeast of the city, and have been reluctantly enlisting the help of adventurers in combating a corruption that seems to be slowly gaining a foothold in the land… and with once-warring northern and southern kingdoms sitting in an uneasy truce, the Isles are currently a haystack of competing political and economic ambitions, waiting to be ignited.
Interested in the Isles? Check out our essential guide to the Moonshae Isles setting.
Our Team
HDM: El Grillo
Builders: Senor T, Zetamog, Electryc, bartleby
Regular Sessions
Friday Evenings US, 8pm Eastern
Ad-hoc sessions occur regularly, but are subject to DM availability.
We hope to see you there.
Questions? Ask in the Moonshaes channel of the ALFA: Sea of Swords discord, we’re a friendly group!
DM and session information updated November, 2022.