The World Map
Baldur’s Gate is an extension of the original legacy Baldur’s Gate Module. The newest and most polished areas are centered around the city itself and The Cloakwood Forest. Older legacy areas are still included and contain sites like the town of Beregost, Nashkell, Wood of Sharp Teeth, The Cloakwood Forest, The Cloudpeaks, Candlekeep, and much more!
The City
The Cloakwood Forest
Legacy Baldur’s Gate Server Map
Loot Notes
What are Loot Notes?
Loot notes are tokens used to represent potential loot that are dropped by bosses at the end of static dungeons.
Loot notes can be cashed in to a DM for loot items. Each PC that is present when the boss that dropped the note is dispatched is eligible for loot and should let a DM know that they were present.
Loot notes can only be cashed in for items once per character but there is no limit to the number of times a character may choose to participate in a dungeon who’s boss drops a loot note. (Please do try to remember comic book time/plot concepts to smooth over any IC bumps)
In the future some loot notes may serve a dual purpose in being used as components for crafting.
How is loot split?
Loot can be split in any way that the party agrees to prior to starting the dungeon. Generally speaking it has become the standard that loot dropped from a note is grouped into a pile and PCs roll for the order in which they will get to pick their items. Highest number goes first down to the lowest. Lowest picks two items and then the picks proceed back up to the highest. This generally repeats until all loot is picked.
Can some one steal my loot?
No one can OOC steal any loot. All dropped loot is logged and can be tracked. That being said a rouge like character could in theory try to in character nick an item if they wanted to attempt it. That would however require DM intervention for sanctioning, in character opportunity, and rolls to attempt. A failure or even a success on an attempt to steal from a party in character carries with it great risk, and even if the party never finds out who knows what chains of events could ensue.