Baldur’s Gate is the tip of the spear for new SOS content! It’s intended that most of the new scripts and/or systems will start out on BG and once the tires are kicked they will migrate to the other active servers.
This page is a work in progress but all information listed here should be accurate and up to date with the status of the live server! If any information listed below does not align with the current state of the game please reach out to an HDM and let them know so it can be updated.
Scribe Scroll
Any character with the scribe scroll feat is able to scribe one scroll per rest with the aid of a portable writing desk. The caster levels available for each spell are currently tied to the default Neverwinter Nights item caster levels for that spell. There are plans to remove this limit with a hak update in the future but that update is currently still in the back log.
The cost of the scroll in gold will be 12.5 gp × the level of the spell × the level of the caster.
The cost of the scroll in xp will be 1/25 * the cost of the scroll in gold.
Note that for some spells that can only be cast on the caster specifically you must make use of the scribe scroll toggle via the caster menu in the player options dialog tool.
Brew Potions
Characters that take the brew potions feat are able to use items found in game to brew potions using custom recipes. Recipes can be uncovered through experimentation and or recipe books found in game and include both alchemical and magical varieties.
Players can use crafting tools on possible ingredients to try to identify which potions they may be used in.
Players can then use those components to create potions, but figuring out the correct ratios and orders could prove a challenge!
Craft Wondrous Item
Nothings says I’m a wizard better than carving some runes into a random object and transforming it into something miraculous. Crafting wondrous items lets you do just that. Finding the right combination to get your kit just right is as addictive as it sounds!
Weapon Smithing
There are many wondrous objects within the world and those that know how can try to incorporate them into weapons to devastating effect. The more precious the metal the more powerful the effect that can be forged and reforged.
Armor Smithing
There are many wondrous objects within the world and those that know how can try to incorporate them into armor to keep yourself as safe as you can be while adventuring. The more precious the metal the more powerful the effect that can be forged and reforged.
Craft Clothing
Some items like yeti fur and spider silk can be combined to create clothing its the best way to get the exact style you want!
Raw Magic And Wonderous Items
Raw Magic Coalescers can be used to process magical matter into a form ready to hold magical enchantments!
Enchanted Weapons
Greater Magic Weapon can now be cast on steel (or soon better) ingots to create a magical ingot that can be worked into weapons to give them a +1 Enchantment bonus! While its not the only way to craft enchanted weapons it is a very convenient one!
Enchanted Armor
Mage Armor can now be cast on steel (or soon better) ingots to create a magical ingot that can be worked into armor to give them a +1 Armor Bonus! There may be other ways to harden armor but you cant argue with fundamentals.
Elemental Resistance Armor
The best defense against elemental attacks is an equal and opposite element to counter it. Fire protects against ice, Ice protects against fire, etc. The larger the elemental essence the greater the protection!
Craft Weapon Elemental Damage
Or maybe the best defense is a good offense. Crafting those essences into weapons will kill your foe before they can kill you! Larger essences will have larger effects!
Ability Enchantments
Need that extra little strength boost to finish that goblin decapitation swing follow through? Or maybe that spell is just on the tip of your tongue if you just could remember a bit more? A PC with Craft Wondrous can enchant ingots to boost abilities that can be crafted into other wondrous items or used directly in the creation of arms or armor!
Mundane Skill Enhancements
Those with the know how can create modifications to their weapons, armor, and wondrous items to help them get an edge when using their honed skills. All you need is a book with right blueprints and the ingredients you need to create your modification, after that just craft it into the weapon, armor, or wondrous item of your choice!
Gnomish Constructs
There are three construct types Flyer, Spider, and Spiker each of these 3 types have four flavors from weaker to stronger! In order to build a gnomish construct you will need wood, iron, and a construct gem (rumor has it kobold sorcerers some times have been found with a few)
Using The Map
Static Locations
Nothing means anything if you don’t know where to go. Baldur’s Gate is a big city it’s over one real world square mile in size so a map is a necessity. A map can be purchased at the cartographers directly in front of the Elfsong Tavern. When used the map comes preloaded with a number of points of interest. Shops and other well known locations will already be loaded in and ready to use. Just use the map and select the point of interest from the dialog box and follow the cardinal NSEW directions once you reach the area your point of interest is in using the map and selecting it again will walk you right to it!
Quest Locations
Some NPCs will help you out by marking locations for things like statics on your map so that you can more easily find them. Make sure to talk with everyone you come across, you never know what they might know.
Resource Gathering
Herb Gathering
The world is full of useful ingredients if you just know where to look. Keep your eyes pealed as you walk around you never know what you might run into that could be useful.
Some times you just need to chop a tree down. It’s even better when you get paid for it though or when you can use the logs as braces for mining, but watch out for the Tasloi that make the trees their home.
Making a living as a miner is an equal combination of luck and skill. In order to successfully mine you need four things. 1) Two wooden boards per rock 2) A rock hammer 3) good pick axe 4) A dwarf. But if you can only manage the first three you can still try to make a go of if if you know what you are doing.
The first thing you will want to do is to use your rock hammer on the stone you are interested in mining. This will give you a chance to gather information about the rock you intend to mine. Rocks have four properties.
- Hardness: This is a representation of how much damage one must do in one hit in order to break off a chunk of rock.
- Content: This is information on what the stone might contain. This will be something like coal or iron.
- Complexity: This is a representation of how hard it is to identify if the stone contains something of value.
- Quantity: This is a representation of how much stone is left to mine out of the site. Once a site is mined out the stone will disappear and in time a new tunnel will appear with new sites.
After identifying a good site (generally speaking you want one of medium hardness with the content you are looking to gather with a low complexity and a large quantity) you will need to reinforce the site so that you can safely mine. To do this you will need two boards per mining site. You can collect boards by either cutting down trees in the Cloakwood Forest and sawing the logs they drop or by getting to the mines first after a server reset as two free boards will always spawn in the pile.
Next you will want to start mining by bashing the rock with a pick axe equipped. Note that some characters may need to purchase weapon tape to be able to use the pick axe. As you mine the rock pieces of stone will break off. There is also a chance that you will release a water elemental that has been trapped in the earth when the mine was originally flooded. Remember its usually best to mine in pairs for safety.
Once you have acquired some unidentified mining rocks use them on yourself or the ground or in general to attempt to identify them. If the stone contained something of value and you make your identification roll the object of value will be added to your inventory along with a raw stone! If you fail or if there was nothing of value in the rock you will be left with a raw stone. Raw stones can still be useful though hauling them to the pile top side will give you a bit of xp for building up your strength and there might even be some potions that call for their use.
Once you have the ore you need to do something with it. You can buy or rent a forge at Roondar’s Foundry but you have to bring your own coal or wood and ore!
Class Specific Mechanics
Bard Busking
Every bard has to start some where and before the most famous bard was playing sold out taverns they were playing in the streets honing their craft for coins and fame. Gather enough fame and who knows what you might be able to cash it in for!
Druid/Ranger Animal Friends
In addition to animal companions druids and rangers can use their animal empathy to recruit any beast, animal, magical animal, or vermin to their service up to their animal empathy score. Recruited friends will persist on the server as long as they remain in service to their Druid or Ranger who can command a number of them equal to their wisdom bonus +1 at any one time, and it is much easier to recruit a squirrel or a rabbit than a wyvern.
Thief Pick Pocketing
The current implementation of pick pocketing has a limit of five pick pockets per day. More well to do areas may have a better chance of higher profit marks, but watch out if any guards are with in ear shot.
Those in the know will look for a good fence to pawn their ill gotten spoils. There a rumors of a raven that takes an interest in baubles north of the Blushing Mermaid and who knows he may even have a few other connections for those with quick fingers.
Cleric/Paladin Evangelizing
Those with a devout bent almost always seem inclined to spread the Good Word and its no different in Baldur’s Gate, and the Gods take notice. A cleric or a paladin is able convince pedestrians to offer prayers to their god up to fifteen times per real life day and be rewarded by their god for doing so.
Fighter Training
Anyone can benefit from a bit of physical training but only a true fighter can gain its maximal benefit. Garmult’s House of Mastery offers training sessions to both fighters and non fighters alike but characters with at least one level of fighter will benefit the most from these sessions.
Wizard Research
Briel’s School of the Arcane has reopened under new management and anyone that can cast an arcane cantrip is encouraged to apply for classes! Tuition covers daily classes that will provide valuable experience to aspiring mages and tutelage in one new level appropriate spell per week!
Class Content: Blessed Diamonds and Raise Dead
A Cleric or Paladin that is level 10 or above can spend accumulated faith to create a blessed diamond that can be used by a raise dead spell to raise a dead PC!
Flaming Fist Hirelings
The Flaming Fist, in an attempt to more quickly swell their capable ranks, have started hiring out recruits to adventurers willing to pay. It’s win win for the Fist. Those that return over time prove themselves capable and are welcomed into the ranks, and those that don’t, well the death fee covers the investment and a bit more. Don’t forget to give them a healing potion or two as they can use them to heal themselves or you on command!
Adventurer Henchmen
The novice always looks for a master and as you advance in levels you’ll soon find yourself able to take on underlings! Martial Classes are currently implemented (Fighter, Ranger, Barbarian, Bard) with Rogue and Wizard support planned soon!
In order to take on a new recruit just visit the Bannerless Legion Ale Hall in Garmult’s House of Mastery and start chatting with the patrons. Some of them will be looking for work and guidance! All recruits start at level 1, but each NPC has randomized abilities that skew toward their classes and stature. Larger individuals have a greater chance of having more strength and or constitution while smaller may prove more dexterous. Make sure to take your time to find the exact right fit!
In order to take on a new recruit you must have 50 renown 100 gold and 100 xp and you may only take on a total number of recruits equal to your persuasion skill plus one at the time of recruitment. Note that buffing a stat or using a skill boosting item to temporarily boost your persuasion to get that adventure to join up is a 100% valid strategy. Note that you may only have as many recruits join your party as your charisma modifier allows +1. So for example if you had a +1 charisma you could have two recruits follow you at once, +2 three follow you etc. Again buffing charisma to command more recruits at one time is a 100% valid strategy.
After that you will have a new recruit that will follow you when ever you ask! Provided you pay their stipend of 100 gold per level per real life month that is. Also note that they will persist in the game world where you leave them for better or worse so make sure you leave them in safe place! This does make using them as guards convenient however. You will also have the opportunity to give them promotions after all time at your side has its perks!
You can transfer some of your PCs xp to your underlings to grant them levels at the cost of 1/4 the price per level. For example if your henchman were at level 1 and you wanted to promote them to level 2 that would normally require 1000 xp so your henchman would need 250 of your xp to level up. PCs must also be at least 2 levels ahead of their henchmen to train them.
For those looking to customize their new friends further take a look at the general store for the new name tag item. This will let you customize the name and description of your new hireling! Future plans include adding a portrait customizer to the name tag in the near future as well!
If you ever loose your recruit you can find them with the Adventurer Henchman dialog option on the emote ball dialog!
Spell Customization
Summon Monster
Mage Hand
Spider Climb
Animate Dead
Buying A Horse
Just visit Ubis Garynmor at Garynmor Stables and Menagerie outside the Basilisk Gate in 3G and purchase your horse!
Riding A Horse
Use the Mount Menu to ride your horse!
Stabling A Horse
Just visit Ubis Garynmor at Garynmor Stables and Menagerie outside the Basilisk Gate in 3G and purchase a stable token. Then use that token on your horse. To retrieve your horse later just speak with Ubis and ask him for your horse!
Everyone throws the bones eventually. And if you know how to play going in you have a much better chance of winning coin. For a full run down of the rules of dice be sure to read the instructions posted on every wall near a dice table. The game is easy to play but hard to master!
Will you hit 21 or bust trying. The dealer might care if it were their gold on the line.
The house always wins but you have to try right, and the wheel is always spinning somewhere so you might as well try your luck! Just place your bets on the table and wait for the spin to stop.
Repeatable Statics
Package Delivery
Patriar’s gonna patriar, but at least you can make some gold off those snobs. Package delivery isn’t the most glamours but it pays the bills and buys the potions and its better than waiting tables. Seek out Sigrin at The Last Mile to pick up a contract.
Ale Deliveries
Alan at the Elfsong is often looking for some one to deliver a keg of ale to the undercity. It may be heavy but it pays!
Mail Delivery
Lower Chionthar Village needs its mail from the city. Its a bit of a walk but they pay is good. Seek out Sigrin at The Last Mile to pick up a sack of mail.
Patrol Routes
The Flaming Fist are hiring adventures to help meet their patrol quotas in the Lower City and surrounding town. Just speak with the officer on duty at the Basilisk Gate to sign up!
Exterminator Contracts
The bounty of the Gate attracts many pests and Dalik’s is always looking to hire an adventurer or group of them to clear out city basements. Seek out Dalik at Dalik’s Extermination Contracts outside of the Elfsong to pick up a contract.
Caravan Contracts
The tasloi are harassing caravans traveling south. If you think your teeth are cut enough volunteer as a guard and find out! Seek out the caravan drivers outside of the Basilisk Gate for instruction on how to sign up.
Bannerless Legion Dead or Alive Contracts
If you’ve put in your dues training at Garmult’s you’ll soon be invited to frequent the Bannerless Legion Ale House on the second floor where you can accept bounties on criminals that are wanted Dead or Alive, but prefereably dead.
Bannerless Legion Wandering Monster Contracts
Every now and again the Fist receive reports of monsters sighted in civilized areas. In order to preserve the peace and stability of the region the Dukes have contracted with the Bannerless Legion to offer contracts to make sure that civilized areas stay civilized. The most frequent reports are for wandering Ettins, Ogres, Worg Riders, and Owlbears.
Player Apartments
Renting an Apartment
Renting an apartment is a mini-game in and of itself. Will you hunt for the right price at the right location or is that more expensive unit a bit farther away from the center of the city good enough for now? Remember to tour the apartment before you buy!
Apartment Group 1
Poorest 1 | Poorer 1 | Poor 1 | Middle 1 | Rich 1 | Richer 1 | Richest 1 | |
Squares | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 6 | 11 | 22 |
Down Payment | 100 | 100 | 200 | 500 | 6000 | 11000 | 22000 |
Monthly Rent | 10 | 25 | 50 | 150 | 500 | 700 | 1400 |
Apartment Group 2
Poorest 2 | Poorer 2 | Poor 2 | Middle 2 | Rich 2 | Richer 2 | Richest 2 | |
Squares | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 9 | 19 | 27 |
Down Payment | 100 | 100 | 400 | 2000 | 9000 | 19000 | 27000 |
Monthly Rent | 10 | 25 | 100 | 250 | 650 | 900 | 1600 |
Apartment Group 3
Poorest 3 | Poorer 3 | Poor 3 | Middle 3 | Rich 3 | Richer 3 | Richest 3 | |
Squares | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 9 | 30 | 48 |
Down Payment | 100 | 100 | 400 | 2000 | 9000 | 30000 | 48000 |
Monthly Rent | 10 | 25 | 100 | 250 | 650 | 1200 | 2000 |
Furnishing an Apartment
Four walls and a roof is nice but a bed to sleep in and a shelf to put your things is much more like a home. If you’re looking to spruce up your surroundings Al’s Furniture store has what you need to get started! And keep your eyes out for apartment furniture in shops around town, merchants may be willing to part with certain items for the right price!
Marking Your Apartment
If you want to use your apartment as a store or meeting place or even if you just want people to be able to find it you may wish to purchase a flag or sign to mark your rental. Check “What’s Your Sign” for details. Keep in mind that you can rename and add a description before you use your sign and that it will display outside your apartment if you do.
Player Owned Shops
How Shops Work
Shops allow players to sell goods they find or create to other players without having to barter directly. Just put your items up for sale and wait for your items to sell! Remember to place a sign our front and change your front door policy to unlocked so PCs can enter your shop!
Creating A Shop
Head over to the High Hall Administrative Offices in The Temple District (3C) and pick up a permit/chest and Shop Keep Guild marker! Return to your apartment and set them up like you would any other furniture! Any items you put in your chest will show up for sale in the shop keeps store!
Setting Prices
Language Skill Points
Players can select a starting language just after character creation via the emote ball/options dialog and may purchase as many bonus languages as they have language skill points. Knowing a language allows you to actively converse in it.
(Watch this space for Demo Videos Soon)
Changing Active Languages
Players can change their active language by typing “/lang name_of_language” for instance typing the command “/lang elvish” will change your language mode to elvish. From that point only other players that know the elvish language will be able to hear what you type. Anyone else listening will only see a description that you have spoken in elvish.
(Watch this space for Demo Videos Soon)
Holdable Object VFX
Almost any object your player can hold in their hands can be worn on their person by using the emote ball on it and then placing the object where you would like it to show up! Then every time you put an object away it will appear on your person.
Chat Commands
Baldur’s Gate makes use of and expands on some excellent work created by Daztek. Try typing /help in the chat to see all available commands!
Chat Emotes
Players can use the /emote command in chat to seamlessly include emotes into their RP without having to fumble about with selecting radial menus or quick slots.
Dice Rolling
Players can use /roll to roll dice publicly or /qroll to roll dice privately.